
發布者:藍菲光學(xué)  發布時間:2019-9-19 20:38:32  浏覽:36

圖1 NASA圓桌會議現場圖

美國(guó)藍菲光學(xué)(Labsphere)遙感技(jì )術總監Chris Durell(左三)與美國(guó)國(guó)家航空航天局(NASA)局長(cháng)Jim Bridenstine以及美國(guó)國(guó)會參議員Jeanne Shaheen共同讨論了GLIMR項目以及如何推進本土遙感和航天工(gōng)業的發展

Remote Sensing Director Chris Durell joins NA SA Administrator Jim Bridenstine an US Senator Jeanne Shaheen to discuss the GLIMR project and the advancement of remote sensing and aerospace industries in our region

Chris Durell 遙感技(jì )術總監,遙感事業部

Director of Business Development, Remote Sensing

Chris擁有(yǒu)電(diàn)機工(gōng)程的本科(kē)學(xué)位及工(gōng)商(shāng)管理(lǐ)學(xué)碩士學(xué)位,他(tā)在Labsphere有(yǒu)着多(duō)年的管理(lǐ)經驗。他(tā)目前領導遙感技(jì )術的業務(wù)拓展部門。他(tā)具(jù)有(yǒu)超過20年的領導光學(xué)系統,光測量以及遙感系統的産(chǎn)品開發的經驗。他(tā)在2018年成為(wèi)了IEEE P4001高光譜标準工(gōng)作(zuò)組的首任主席。

Chris holds a BSEE and an MBA and has worked for Labsphere, Inc in many executive capacities. He is currently leading Business Development for Remote Sensing Technology. He has lead product development efforts in optical systems, light measurement and remote sensing systems for over two decades. Chris accepted the inaugural Chair position for the IEEE P4001 Hyperspectral Standards Working Group in 2018.